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Digiti 🤝 GoForLander

25 May


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On a beautiful spring day in May, Derek, the CEO of Digiti, came to the team to announce that he had found the charity of the year. For him, it's important to give something back to society each year. Goforlander didn't sound familiar to us, but it quickly became clear that this project had a special meaning for him.

Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy... what?

Goforlander is an initiative by Annick Faes, established for her son Lander. This strong sixteen-year-old boy has Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, a genetic disease that causes boys to lose their mobility. Duchenne is currently incurable, and in Belgium, about 800 children have been diagnosed with it. A painful detail is that these children will hardly reach the age of thirty. The Goforlander initiative raises money for research into Duchenne disease. They sell fruit baskets and waffles, but they also ride a three-day mountain bike tour to raise funds and create awareness.

"This year, we wanted a more thorough approach for the Goforlander initiative. That's why we asked we asked Digiti to build a website and an engaging marketing campaign."
- Annick Faes -

Long-time friends

How did we, Digiti, come to this project? Well, Derek and Annick have known each other for a long time. When Digiti was still a new, emerging agency, it brought in Janssen Pharmaceutica (J&J) as a client. Annick was part of the project team at J&J at the time, and she was very pleased with Digiti's achievements. That's when Derek and Annick got to know each other. What started as a professional collaboration grew into a friendship. Over the next few years, Digiti would carry out many assignments for Annick's team.

This year, the Goforlander team wants to take it up a notch. A website and accompanying online campaign should multiply the donations. Specifically, Digiti will fully commit itself to this good cause for about half a year. We will create videos, blogs, social media posts, and a whole portfolio of donation opportunities with one goal in mind: to raise as much money as possible for research and awareness of Duchenne disease.

Help us with fundraising!